Demon Lord, Retry! Volume 3 Read online

Page 6

  “...Lots of people until we get past the third level. Much less after that.”

  As Yukikaze answered, a large-snail like creature emerged from the dark corner of the pathway. It was knee-height, and approached the party as it twisted its boneless body.

  “A Sand Snail. Wow, does that take me back.”

  “...Reminds me of my Rookie days.”

  (It’s just huge and gross...)

  While Yukikaze and Mikan watched the creature with nostalgia, the thing was an unbelievably large snail for the Demon Lord. No amount of salt seemed enough to dissolve this one.

  “Heh. Let’s hunt one for old time’s sake.”

  Swinging her longsword, Mikan diced the snail’s soft body, then drew her dagger from her waist to swiftly remove the shell from its body.

  “Mikan. That shell’s the loot?”

  “That’s right. If you shatter this and mix it in dirt, it hardens it.”

  “Hm. Building materials, then.”

  “...It gets rock hard.”

  Mikan tossed the shell to the Demon Lord as if it was a basketball. He caught it effortlessly, and inspected it with a serious expression for a while by stroking it, tapping it, and focusing on details.

  “About how much do you get for one of these?”

  “...Depends on the season. Usually, about five bronze coins for three of them.”

  “It goes for more before big battles.”

  “I see. In order to build fortresses and bases, I bet. Probably useful for rebuilding damaged areas, too.”

  A similar phenomenon took place in the real world, where construction materials flew off shelves after natural disasters. Throughout history, while disasters and wars wrought casualties, they also stimulated all sorts of demands. Through constant war, the Northern Nations, strangely enough, were invigorating various markets.

  “...Carry it... Snow Dolly.”

  With the wave of Yukikaze’s wand, a large wagon emerged, made of snow and ice. This was a dolly that followed behind the castor, and could carry various goods. Since adjusting its temperature allowed one to freeze the goods on it, it came in handy when transporting meat without letting it spoil.

  “...Stick it in, Mister Fox. The rock hard... erm.”

  “Suck on that for a while.”

  The Demon Lord threw a piece of candy into Yukikaze’s mouth as he tossed the shell onto the dolly. As an expert thrower, both motions were flawless. If he wanted to, he could throw anything with the precision of threading a needle.

  “I’ve been wondering... What happens with the monster carcass?”

  “Huh? It disappears after a while.”

  “Even though this shell won’t?”

  “I can’t explain it. It’s a different object once it’s been cut off, right?”

  “It’s just so sloppy and vague...”

  When the Demon Lord mumbled his complaint, a loud voice and the sound of a whistle could be heard from further into the dungeon. Yukikaze and Mikan’s expressions shifted at hearing the whistle. After listening for a combination of three peculiar sounds, the pair became excited.

  “That signal... It’s a Monster Party! Now we’re talking!”

  “...Let the party begin.”


  The Demon Lord noticed the adventurers around them starting to run. Most of their faces were red with excitement, as aggressive shouts and even laughter could be heard from them. The adventurers began setting up torches and Spell Stones along the walls and ceiling to rapidly light up the dungeon.

  “All right! Let’s go, guys!”


  The adventurers roared back in response to Mikan’s call. The excited voices spread like a massive wave, and they could hear the stampede of a crowd behind them. Grabbing hold of the longsword from her back, Mikan sprinted into the dungeon without hesitation, like a wild panther.

  “...Wait until I come, too, Mikan.”

  “I’m not one to miss out on a party.”

  Enjoying the energy of the crowd, with a flourish of his coat, the Demon Lord began to run.

  Monster Party and the Village of Rabbi

  ——A Monster Party spawn location in the Bastille Dungeon.

  The crowd of adventurers were frantically culling Sand Snails. Somehow, countless Sand Snails and Giant Crows were rushing towards them. The adventurers hunted one monster after another, storing their loot into bags and boxes. All of the porters were busy running back and forth, too. While the beak of a Giant Crow had some value, the best prize for hunting a Giant Crow was its feathers. While they were often used for arrows, they were also used to decorate clothes and armor as well. About twelve feathers could be obtained from each crow, which sold for one bronze medallion as a set. Naturally, though, if any of the feathers were damaged, the price decreased.

  Everyone around the Demon Lord was in a frenzy of dismantling snails and plucking crows. With more and more people rushing over from behind them, the whole dungeon was filled with cacophonous energy. No wonder people called this a party. Mikan had joined the fray, gleefully wielding her dagger. While these targets were pennies to a dollar compared to her usual loot, it seemed that Monster Parties had an irresistible excitement for an adventurer.

  “...Back in the day, Monster Parties kept us afloat.”

  “Something like a bonus,” the Demon Lord mumbled.

  For the adventurers, though, matters were surely more dire. Many of them didn’t know if they could afford shelter or food for the day. To top it off, their career could end in an instant if they were to get hurt. It was only natural for them to want to make and save as much money as possible while they still could. However, as he watched the crowd of people in a commotion, the Demon Lord was reminded of an entirely different time...

  “This brings me back...”

  “...Mister Fox?”

  “Oh, just reminiscing.”

  With nostalgia, the Demon Lord stared off into the distance. He was remembering various scenes from the game. The time when it was so populated that people could barely sign up, when someone won big at the casino and caused a whole commotion, all of the special event battles, and the once-in-a-blue-moon raid of the Sleepless Castles. All of these scenes had been burned into his memory in black and white. They didn’t hold their colors anymore.

  “This is their party. I don’t want an outsider like me to crash it.”

  As the Demon Lord turned his back, he could hear loud footsteps approaching from the end of the dungeon. As the footsteps grew nearer, a giant, rusted, metal-plated golem appeared.

  “Crap! Here comes Tin Man!”

  “Someone stop it with magic!”

  “No one’s got a trap on them!?”

  The Tin Man golem was slow. Still, it remained undaunted no matter how many rookies swung their weapons at it. In fact, swords broke and hammers bent. When the Tin Man forcefully swung its arm out, three adventurers went flying.

  “...Mister Fox. That thing’s a little too much for rookies.”


  Yukikaze looked at the Demon Lord expectantly. Mikan began to run over to Tin Man with her longsword in hand, but a red beam fired passed her before she got the chance. It was the Demon Lord’s Sodom’s Fire. In an instant, Tin Man’s face blew up like it was a toy. Tin Man stood still for a few moments, as if it couldn’t comprehend what had just happened, before falling to the ground with a loud crashing noise. The adventurers who had gathered for the party all turned to the Demon Lord.

  “Excuse the intrusion... Please, party on.”

  “...Party on.”

  As the Demon Lord turned to leave, Yukikaze followed after with a cute wave of her wand. The adventurers were taken aback for a while, but the commotion continued to grow again. The party wasn’t over, after all.

  “W-Who was that!?”

  “What did he throw...?”

  “Snap out of it! This is our meal ticket right here!”

  “Hold on a second! Who gets
the Tin Man parts?”

  “The guy who killed it ain’t here. Jump on it!”

  “Forget the Sand Snails! Peel the metal off of the Tin Man!”

  While the men snapped out of their surprise and swarmed the Tin Man, the female adventurers began chatting about another matter. Many were starstruck by the Demon Lord’s overwhelming strength and distinguished appearance.

  “What a handsome man... Who is he!?”

  “Is the chick next to him his girlfriend?”

  “Dammit... It’s all about the looks, isn’t it?! A girl’s gotta be cute in this world!”

  Amidst the clamor of the adventurers, Mikan shouted out, “don’t ditch me like you came here alone!”

  She would have made it easier on herself if she had just left the dungeon then, but Mikan wasn’t the type to do that. She was the type to chase the hurricane. With Mikan following the pair out, the adventurers delighted in their first monster party in a while.

  ——The hot springs resort in the village of Rabbi.

  “Madame, what is this oriental masterpiece...!?”

  A lucky group of thirty noble wives were collectively breathtaken at everything about the resort, from its fantastical aura and wind chimes ringing to the breeze, to the polished floors that showed their reflections and the beautiful Bunnies in revealing outfits... There was nothing like this facility anywhere else in this country, maybe not even in this entire world.

  “Please. This is a door called a Fusuma.”

  “D-Door...? If this is touched every time someone enters the room...!”

  “Its beauty shines brighter with use.”

  The Madame returned a smile filled with confidence at the murmuring ladies. Thanks to Tahara’s detailed explanations, the Madame was now fluent in describing the resort’s facilities. She wasn’t just the sole provider of the figurative ticket for the facility, but also the pioneer of knowledge for the ladies. Her power and knowledge regarding the facility only boosted her charisma in it. With the chattering group in tow, the Madame continued toward the hot springs. There, she had further astonishment for them in store. Once they experienced that... they would never be able to truly leave the facility. They would never be free from it.

  (That Madame’s some character.)

  Tahara came out of Stealth Stance to reveal himself standing in a corner of the hallway. Each one of those thirty noble wives was the leader of their house, the ones who wore the pants in their marriage. To be revered as a leader among them was no easy feat. She was truly an empress.

  (Pretty soon, we might have a big ol’ treasure hoard on our hands...)

  Scratching his head, Tahara lit a cigarette. The truth was that a night’s stay at this resort was not all that expensive, since the Demon Lord declared that ‘a gold coin would do.’ While the equivalent of $1000 might seem expensive, it was an incredible bargain considering the amenities that came with it. The thing was, the price for the stay itself didn’t really matter. To improve the Demon Lord’s reputation, the listed price was best kept comparable to the high-end hotels in other cities. The real profit would come from the referrals taking place under the surface. A deal had already been struck with the Madame that she would split any goods and money that were sure to be sent her way. There was no need for an unreasonable price setting. Initially, the Madame had made it clear that she didn’t want a single bronze coin, as long as she could live at the resort, but the Demon Lord insisted that both parties had to win in order to hold up a bargain. Reluctantly, the Madame agreed to the Demon Lord’s insistence. As he blew out delicious smoke, Tahara recalled his meeting with the Secretary, the only man that stood above him.

  Listen, Tahara. Any local goods you obtain, sell them to a merchant named McBonald in the city of Yahooo, much lower than market price. Build a good relationship with him. It’s more urgent to build one trustworthy partnership than casting a wide net. Make him think that a relationship will make him good money.

  So, the plan’s to have him buy our stuff for a good price with that money we helped him make?

  Naturally. In business, trust is built from making your partners money before, and at times more than, yourself.

  Makes sense. And what do we do with the money we make...?

  Use it all to improve and expand the village of Rabbi. It’s obvious that the 110 gold medallions won’t cut it after a while. And don’t skimp on the Bunnies’ food, housing, clothes and pay. We will make it rain gold on this village.

  ...Is that part of ‘garnering a reputation,’ Mister Secretary?

  That’s a part of it, at least...

  That’s where their conversation had ended before the Demon Lord headed north. While the Demon Lord’s last line suggested some implication, he didn’t really have any subtext in mind. He simply thought that their business wouldn’t last if the houses or clothes of their Bunnie employees were tattered. However, Tahara inferred another meaning from it.

  (Making gold rain on this run-down village? That’s a presentation of our power and prowess to those around us. All the surrounding villages are going to be hella jealous. They’ll eventually end up questioning the competency of their own lords.)

  Heavy taxation without any benefits... A gloomy life to live. And on the other side, the grass is golden. Who could possibly stand for that?

  (This is a non-violent invasion, with a nice and thick sugarcoat on top of it.)

  Tahara recalled a certain sentence. Even with his brains, he was struggling to discern exactly what it meant.

  I plan to go in the opposite direction of the Empire.

  “All right... I mean, it’s not a rotten deal.”

  The way of the Empire, naturally, was violent occupation. The invasion the Demon Lord was working on now, however, was of a different color. In fact, this was the sort of invasion that would make the occupants beg for their villages to be taken under their rule.

  “Gra hah ha! Mister Secretary’s as fearsome as ever. I hope I never cross his path.”

  Putting his cigarette out in a portable ashtray, Tahara stepped out of the resort. He had much work left to do, after all.

  Tahara’s Inspection

  Ever since the group of noble wives were led to the hot springs by the Madame, they had been in a tizzy. They were convinced, upon seeing the spotless tiles, numerous tubs, the steam that filled the area, the vibrant baths and the showers that emitted hot water at the push of a button... that they were in a bonafide fairytale paradise.

  “What is this soap!?”

  “My hair... My dried up hair is all hydrated...!”

  “Ooh... I just want to melt in this bubble bath...”

  “Rock... bathing...? I’ve never done anything like this before...”

  The group seemed endlessly amazed, confused, and elated. How could they have helped it? They were in a paradise where all of their dreams came true. The promised land that all women dreamed about. As the Madame explained the amenities to one wife at a time, the female Bunnies entered every now and again with glasses of water and juice, each chilled with plenty of ice. At the star-gazing bath, guests could request chilled wine and ale, too. This paradise melted them from the inside and out.

  (There’s no way out now, ladies...)

  The Madame smiled as she soaked in her favorite herbal bath, Green Forest. Her smile wasn’t a malicious one, though. More like the grin of a child who had successfully pulled off a prank. Just the knowledge of this dreamlike facility was worth a fortune. To top it off, these women were the inaugural guests. They would pride themselves on that fact, and brag about their experience to everyone around them until their ears fell off. In noble society where novelty is treasured, the fact that they had experienced this first would profit these ladies down the road. Free advertisement.

  “I’m never leaving this bath...!”

  “And I’m not leaving this electric bath... Ooooh!”

  “This deep bath is so relaxing.”

  “Please... I want to try that bath, too.”<
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  “No! This tub is mine!”

  Watching the group squabble like schoolgirls, the Madame couldn’t help but burst out laughing. She had enough self-awareness to know that, if she hadn’t been in acquaintance with Luna, she likely would have ended up among these ladies.

  (Splitting it down the middle...)

  The Madame guessed that the referral fees for this facility would become much more expensive than they imagined. Why split it down the middle? The Madame recalled her asking Tahara that very question. At the same time, she remembered Tahara’s sleepy eyes and seemingly inattentive demeanor.

  (Isami Tahara. He’s a scary man... And a good-looking one.)

  The Madame felt a sense of terror about him. The Demon Lord’s right-hand man would surely kill anyone his order dictated him to without mercy. Even if his target was a literal angel. And the blue light gleaming deep within his eyes that appeared every now and again... That was something that never tired a woman.

  (Although, it still couldn’t hold a candle to the Demon Lord’s allure...)

  For a woman like the Madame, who had seen many men in her time, both the Demon Lord and Tahara were exquisite specimens. Their allure, a combination of dripping masculinity and life-threatening danger, was practically magical. As the scent of the forest enveloped her, Tahara’s voice replayed in her head.

  Splitting it down the middle means we’re eating out of the same bucket. At the very least, we don’t have to worry as much about being stabbed in the back. I’m sure you’re familiar with these kinds of things.

  He was right. No one was stupid enough to kick their partner off of a see-saw when they wanted it to keep going. They’d end up losing out themselves.

  Besides, moving dead money around isn’t a bad deal. If people at the top do nothing but sit on their money, the economy comes to a halt and starts rotting, and the people down below end up suffering. That’s how it works, no matter what world you’re in.

  The Madame saw the Demon Lord as someone who was going to force the economic wheel to turn, turning the dead money into means and vitality for the commoners. In a way, the Madame wasn’t misunderstanding.